“Sevabharathi” is an All India Voluntary Social Service Organization, committed to National unity, Integration and Self Reliance. The selfless and timely relief work carried out by Sevabharathi in the last three decades when different parts of the country were ravaged by natural calamities like flood, drought, earthquake & tsunami had won wide acclaim. Sevabharathi Palakkad is affiliated with this national wide organisation and works in the areas of Education, Health, Environment, Self-reliance, Social Welfare, Disaster Management etc. in the Palakkad district.
Sevabharathi has been complimenting & supplementing the efforts of the govt. to support the poor & illiterate. Sevabharathi orient, train and engage a huge number of volunteers and also raise funds from benevolent in the society for supporting different welfare activities for the most backward strata of the society.
“To strengthen the nation by trying to find a solution to the weakness and shortcomings in the nation” was the call by the veteran social worker and the then RSS Sarsanghachalak Shri Balasaheb Deoras. He called upon them to start service activities among the neglected sections of the society and to raise the self-respect of the socially and economically deprived people of India.
Although the volunteers of RSS and other allied organisations had been informally working for the betterment of the underprivileged, it was opined that a formal structure would help coordinate the service programs all over the country. "Sevabharathi" is inspired by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and is the official community service umbrella of allied organisations.
Mobilising voluntary organizations by providing them with a national platform and by empowering them with good skills, in their work through Jagran (awareness), Sahyog (co-ordination), Prashikshan (training) and Adhyayan (assessment & R &D).
Building a strong society & nation by uplifting and empowering the downtrodden masses of our country through cohesive efforts of voluntary organizations (vos) along with devoted, committed karyakartas.
"Manavaseva Madhavaseva"